Hello, so good to see you!

I am Luisa Enz and I design planner templates for every use. This website features ideas, examples and my own personal life-shares. I am obsessed with happy-living. I provide creative ideas, life hacks and glimpses into my crafty, busy and messy life.

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Are you ready to...

Take control of your life?

Life can be complex. But everything is figuratable if you deconstruct it to bite sized chunks. Click here for useful, habit-building, fully customizable templates.

Start Organizing your Tomorrow TODAY?

Embark on a journey towards a more organized, purposeful life with our Planner Template Pages. Browse our collection, choose the template that resonates with you, and take the first step towards achieving your aspirations. Experience the transformative power of a well-organized planner designed to help you live your best, most intentional life.

Be inspired to create a life you love and brings you peace?

Our templates strike the perfect balance between aesthetic appeal and practical functionality. With clean layouts, intuitive sections, and thoughtfully placed prompts, each template serves as a canvas for your plans and aspirations. Experience the joy of a planner that not only guides you but also inspires you

Plan a life worth living?

Our planner templates are designed to enhance productivity and time management. Utilize dedicated spaces for goals, to-do lists, appointments, notes, and more. With intuitive prompts, you'll find it easy to prioritize tasks, set milestones, and stay on track towards achieving your objectives.